It is crazy to me how fast June came and went. Here we are already halfway into July. June saw a lot of
activity at our club. With all the activity I noticed there was a lack of either knowing and understanding
of rules or just outright breaking of rules. No one wants to be the fun police but there are rules that we
have that our for our protection as a club as well as the safety of our members. I thought I would take a
moment to review some of those rules.
The first rule I would like to highlight is "No jumping or diving from docks. This is one we see broken by
kids more than anything. It is both a safety issue and an insurance issue. Please remind your kids not to
do this and set the example by not doing it as well. Along with jumping and diving from docks. Stay off
the log attenuator around the swimming area. It is dangerous to climb on these for many reasons.
The second rule to highlight is “life jackets must be worn on club boats, paddle boards, and Kayaks. I get
it. It’s a hot day, you’re just going for a short paddle, and you don’t want to wear it or be told what to
do. The problem is it’s not your boat so it’s not your liability. It’s the clubs. So just wear a life jacket.
Speaking of life Jackets. I recently discovered that not everyone understands that it is a law to have a
life jacket on board for every person on board your sailboat. I know that the people reading this
probably know and understand this law, but I still wanted to mention it.
Dogs, you must have a permit to have a dog on the premises. Even then your dog may only go from
your car to your trailer or boat. Dogs cannot go swimming in the swimming area or hang out for a
I don’t want to be the person who just sits and controls what people can and cannot do. These rules are
here for reasons. For most of these rules it is a safety thing.
Switching directions. I wanted to thank a few people who worked hard to make events happen in June
and early July. First, Katie Bloom-O’Brien. Thank you for the work you put into the Deck Party. While I
was not able to attend, many people remarked on how much fun they had. Glen and RaeAnne, Sail
school was amazing!! There are so many moving parts to sail school. You two put it on flawlessly. It
was enjoyed by many. I personally watched someone we had introduced to sailing, learn to sail, fall in
love with sailing, and now they want to buy a boat. All from sail school. Sail School would not have
been as successful without a cracker jack team in the kitchen. Thank you Max Edleson for heading that
up, and those chicken Fajitas were amazing. Right as sail school ended, we were at the 4th of July. Thank
you to Jeannine Schoenfeld for heading that up. It was an enjoyable day. I think the real star of that day
was the water slide for sure.
Summer is not over, and we still have many more events at this club happening in the next month. Lido
National Championships, Santana National Championships, Jim Skeen Unregatta, Concert by the Lake,
Women’s Cup, and Harvest Day Regatta. Come out, Enjoy the club, follow the rules.