Commodor's Report March 2023
What crazy weather we have had. I should have been more specific when I put my order in for rain to fill the lake. I did not expect snow, sleet, hail and graupel. I didn’t even know what graupel was util 2 weeks ago. For those that don’t it is a soft hail, or snow pellets and happens when water freezes around falling snowflakes. On the plus side all of that is helping to fill the lake. I am hoping the crazy weather is done and we get just the right amount of rain fall. At this point the lake is about 1 ½ feet low from where it should be at this time of year.
I don’t know if your family is like mine but we are getting excited for the better weather to come and sailing season to begin. We are busy checking our boats to make sure they are ready and repairing anything that needs it. I believe we are going to have a fantastic sailing season this year.
Just as we are preparing our boats for the year ahead we are preparing the club to open for the season. This gets done in many ways. Work party being a big part of that. I want to remind everyone that half of your work party hours are due by the end of this month. If you are getting worried that you won’t have your hours in and can’t make work party there are a few things you can do. You can contact Marji Clune. She will be able to tell you what you can do at the club between now and the end of the month to earn those hours. You can join a committee or volunteer for something that might be happening later but will secure your hours. At 20 nationals and Lido regionals we are looking into the possibility of someone cleaning the restrooms daily for their work party credit. If you think that is something you could do let me know.
All in all, fair weather is coming. We want more rain before then. We need your help to get the club ready to open. I look forward to seeing you all on the lake.