What is EYC’s philosophy?

EYC is all about boating and promoting on-the-water activities. EYC strives to be a safe, fun, and family-oriented club. EYC keeps costs low by utilizing its members’ energy and skills to keep the club running. All members are encouraged to use their abilities, skills, and interests to help make the club a great place to be.

How is EYC organized?

The business affairs of the club are governed by the Board of Trustees, which is elected by members. (There is a photo display of current Board members in the entry of the clubhouse.) Committees of all kinds do the bulk of the work. EYC employs a Club Manager, who manages day-to-day business items, a Media Manager who keeps members and the public informed, a Bookkeeper who handles billing and payments, and a Club Host who provides an onsite presence.

When does the Board of Trustees meet?

Board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm, usually in the EYC Clubhouse. During the summer, meetings move up an hour to 5:00 pm so that Board members can get out for the Fun Race. Members are welcome to attend.

What are the responsibilities of a member?

A member of EYC is expected to pay dues, fees, and bills on time, do required work party hours annually, have fun, and be safe. Voting at the annual meeting is a right that members are encouraged to exercise.

What are the requirements for having a boat at EYC?

To keep a watercraft on EYC grounds, you must be a member in good standing. You must also have current registration with the Oregon State Marine Board, which automatically includes the Invasive Species Permit. Watercraft that do not require OSMB registration are still required to carry an Invasive Species Permit. You must maintain the ground under your boat if dry-moored and maintain the dock if wet-moored. 

EYC’s insurance does not offer coverage for individual member’s risk which includes damage or loss to personally owned property (boats, trailers, motors, gear, travel trailers, etc) nor does it extend liability for member’s personal exposures (operation of boats, trailers, special events, or any other liability caused by the actions of a member). The Board of Trustees recommends that every member consult with their personal insurance agent to verify that they are properly insured.

What kind of boat moorage is available?

EYC has wet and dry moorage for boats up to 30 feet length. The Port Captain administers moorage. You must request moorage from the Port Captain each year by filling out an online Moorage Request.

How do I change my boat's moorage space?

Changes are requested on the EYC website by filling out a Request to Change Moorage Form. Changes are awarded as space is available and on a seniority basis.

What’s the difference between regular moorage and winter storage?  

Regular moorage is for the sailing season which starts April 1 and lasts until October 31. Winter storage is charged to boats stored on the grounds from November 1 to March 31. 

What kinds of racing are there at EYC?

Racing typically starts in April. On Tuesday evenings there is an informal fun race that starts in front of the club at 7:00 pm. On Wednesday evenings the small boats (usually Lido 14s and Lasers) race short races starting at 6:30 pm. On Thursday evenings there is a longer race for bigger boats in the center of the lake, which begins at about 6:30 pm. Thursday night races have a start for just about any kind of sailboat and are scored for a Spring, Summer, and Fall Series. 

EYC sponsors at least three weekend regattas each year: Memorial Day on Memorial Day weekend, the Live on the Edge Multihull Regatta in June, and the Harvest Day Regatta in early September. From time to time, EYC also hosts regional and national regattas.

How do I get started racing?

The best way to get started is to get started. We have racing for pretty much any kind of sailboat and any level of sailor. Come out for one of the three nights during the sailing season with your own boat or ask around for someone who needs crew on a boat you’d like to learn on, or sign up online with EYC Crew Finder. Experienced sailors are always willing to help out the new people.

What kinds of social events are there at EYC?

EYC offers club events that all members are invited to. These include the Skippers and Mates dinner in April, our Fourth of July Celebration, the Concert by the Lake in August, and the Commodore’s Ball in November. Additionally, on the last Saturday of each month (except November and December) we have a potluck followed by a membership meeting. Members are encouraged to bring guests to these events.

How do the monthly potlucks and meetings work?

Potlucks are usually held at 6:00 pm in the clubhouse on the last Saturday of the month, except in November and December. When you come to a potluck, bring a main dish and either a desert or a salad, your own place settings and favorite beverage, and then dig in. After the potluck, a General Membership Meeting begins at about 7:00 pm. The meeting is designed to be informational and an opportunity to introduce new members and guests and for members to discuss the business of the club.

What does it mean to have Galley Crew duty?

Monthly potluck dinners are managed by a Galley Crew Committee, made up of members, which provides set-up and cleanup for the potluck and sometimes even chooses a theme for the attendees. Everyone takes a turn, typically once every two years. Assignments and directions will be provided to you beforehand. A complete listing is available starting on page . Galley Crew is a fun and easy way to meet members. Remember that Galley Crew duty does not count towards work party hours.

What are work party hours and how do I complete them?

Members are required to do 16 hours of work for the club each year. This is one way we keep membership costs low. There are several committee positions that earn hours (see Ground Rules). Additionally, you can do labor as required by the Port Commission, which has a list of work party projects. Talk to a Port Commissioner for ideas. The Port Commission also schedules Work Party days throughout the year to tackle general repairs and larger projects. This is another good way to meet your fellow members.

There are some jobs that do not earn work party credit, for example, doing Galley Crew. Also, you should not just invent something to do—it needs to be something that has been identified by either the Port Commission or Club Manager as necessary for the club.

To record your work party hours you can either fill out the forms in the clubhouse entryway or email your hours to the Club Manager. You can also record them on the EYC website in the Members Area.  50% of work party hours must be performed between August 1st and March 31st balance must be completed by July 31st. This requirement does not apply to committee chairs, the Board Trustees, assistants to event chairs (must be approved in advance), or members assisting with pre-approved projects. Hours that are not completed will be billed at a rate determined by the Board.

What is there for kids to do at EYC?

Hang out with friends. Swim. Sail. Use the club’s kayaks and stand up paddleboards. Play on the play structure. Play volleyball. Exercise imagination.

Kids can also be part of the EYC Junior Fleet, attend Sail School and Wednesday evening and Sunday afternoon sailing during the summer, as well as participate in Junior Fleet activities like summer night sails and movie nights.

What exactly is Sail School?

Dick Brust Sail School is a summer sailing camp put on by volunteers at the club. It is one week long, the last week of June. Members get discounts on the cost of Sail School. This is a long-running tradition at EYC, and it is the most fun thing in the world.

Are there any special rules kids should know?

Do not swim off the docks. Do not run on the docks. When on the docks, younger kids (12 and under) must wear life jackets. (See Ground Rule A.4). Parents are expected to supervise their children, and members are also expected to say something if they see something unsafe. Finally, kids are not allowed to beat old people when racing!

What if I forgot to bring enough life jackets?

We have extras! Look in that cupboard at the west end of the laser rack. There are dozens of mostly kids’ sizes inside for borrowing.  Please return when finished using.

Can I bring my pet to EYC?

EYC allows members’ registered dogs and cats on the grounds by permit only (Limited to Boats and Trailers). No other pets are allowed. 

Where are the first aid kits located?

There is a first aid kit on the deck of the Club Host mobile home, another above the coffee maker in the clubhouse, and one in each bathroom. EYC also has two AEDs (heart defibrillators). One is located near the deck entrance of the clubhouse and the other is on the Club Host’s deck.  

Is there a “Lost and Found”?

Yes. It is just to the left of the men’s restroom.

Where can I park my car?

Cars should be parked in the lot on the west side of the grounds, not in the boat moorage area by the water. Please leave the handicap spots by the clubhouse free for those who need them.

Where can I park an RV?

At the south end of the grounds there are four temporary RV spots. If these are full, you can back up to the west side of the travel trailers. There is a 16-day maximum for an RV. RV parking costs $60/week and/or $250/season. (See Club Rule I, Camping Policy for RVs).

Where can I camp?

Tent camping is welcome on the grass between the front of the clubhouse and the parking lot. Tents should not be set up on the grass between the back of the clubhouse and the docks. Sprinklers are shut off on weekends during the summer. Campers staying through the week should make note of the weekday sprinkler schedule.

How do I get a permanent trailer space or a shelter?

Open trailer/shelter spots are advertised in the EYC Bulletin. Interested members are asked to submit a written request to the Port Captain for the spot. These popular spots are then awarded on a seniority basis. Recent awardees have had about 20 years of seniority.

How do we reserve the yacht club Cabanas?

The Club has two Cabanas available for club members. The Club has two Cabanas available for club members.  The use is for on a nightly basis for $35 per night.  No reservations are accepted prior to April 1st or after October 30th.  Cabanas will be inspected prior to and after use to ensure reasonable cleanliness.  Cabanas and their associated decks are to be left in broom swept condition and clean enough for the next patrons' usage. Cabanas left uncleaned will result in the Patrons' loss of future usage.   Cabanas are designed to be used by a party of two.

Cabana Number 27, Port

This Cabana is a single level cabinette setup with 1 Semi Queen foam bed platform and small kitchenette. Bring your own bedding. Restroom facilities are located at the Club Bathrooms (Yacht Pot).

Cabana Number 26, Starboard

The Cabana is a single level cabinette set with two single beds and a small kitchenette. Bring your own bedding. Restroom facilities are located at the club Bathrooms (Yacht Pot)

Procedure for reserving check in and out:

  • Using our website review the availability on the Calendar

  • Access the Members Only Page of our website Eugenyachtclub.org

  • Fill out the available form and submit for approval.

  • Once submitted you will receive email confirmation within 48 hours

  • Once confirmed you requested to submit your $35 nightly usage fee via the website within 48 hours or reservation will be lost

  • Upon arrival use the combination given. Make sure to lock it up when you leave.

What do I need to know to use the boat hoists?

EYC has two boat hoists. The one closest to F Dock is for boats weighing less than 1000 pounds and is most often used for dinghies like Thistles, Day Sailers, and Lidos. The one closest to the tower dock is for boats up to 2000 pounds and is typically used for Santana 20s and Stars. Larger boats should be trailer-launched and wet-moored.

To prevent wear and tear on the hoist motors, avoid excessive stopping and starting when putting in and taking out your boats. Be aware of causing ‘traffic jams’ with your trailer while waiting to launch or take out. We like to think it goes without saying that every member will be courteous to those who are already in line.

How To Use Club Boats?

The following is the procedure for checking out club boats. These boats are available for use by members in good standing.

 Basic Requirements for All Club Boats:

All persons (including member, family and guests) using the club boats must sign the Annual Activity agreement, wear approved life jackets, and must be present and on board the boat being used.

 Paddleboards and Kayaks:

The club owns two paddleboards and two Kayaks located on the canoe/kayak racks just north of the playground next to the Laser Rack . These items are marked with EYC. Oregon State Marine Board and Eugene Yacht Club require that Life Jackets be worn at all times during usage. You are also required by state law to obtain an invasive species permit and have it on your person when using club boats. Please do not use items that do not belong to the club.

 Zuma and Lasers:

You will find both Zumas and Lazers located on the youth docks just north of the Youth Sailing Building.  Using your yacht club key you will be able to access the youth building from the exterior doors for sails, tillers, and other accessories.  


On the shelf in the room you will find a binder with Sailing Activity Annual agreement forms and boat equipment forms.  Please fill out the form and place it in the check out box.  Using your yacht club key or lock combination number you can gain access to the key locker.  Select a key and use it to open the numbered locker door to obtain sails, daggerboard, and rudder w/ tiller.  Please note any damage to the boat prior to your use. Mast should already be on the boats.

Please let Club Host know you are going out and when you return. Go Have fun sailing. Return all items and boats to the same location and move your form from “boats checked-out” to “boats return”, noting any damage that may have happened.


On the shelf in the room you will find a binder with Sailing Activity Annual agreement forms and boat equipment forms.  Please fill out the form and place it in the check out box.  Masts and sails are located on the wall adjacent to the numbered lockers.  Daggerboard, and rudder w/ tiller are located in a plastic dock box inside the large youth Building room under the south window.  Please note any damage to the boat prior to your use. Mast should already be on the boats.

Please let Club Host know you are going out and when you return. Go Have fun sailing. Return all items and boats to the same location and move your form from “boats checked-out” to “boats return”, noting any damage that may have happened.


May be checked out during sailing outings with a chaseboat and with members trained and certified to use these boats.


The club owns 3 Day Sailers which are available to check out.  You must be on the list of approved members to check out a Day Sailer.  To do so, you must have a signed copy of the Sailing Activity Annual Agreement on file with the club manager and contact Mark Schroeder (ds1336@comcast.net) to find out about orientation dates. Qualifying members will have knowledge of rigging, sailing, and hoisting the boats from trailers.  Once approved, you will need to pay a $25.00 annual fleet fee towards the maintenance of the boats and then join the group’s email list to receive updates and be able make reservations on the group’s calendar.  The group’s URL is: https://eyc.groups.io/g/daysailers . In order for members to be able to make plans for the use of these boats, you can only take out a club Day Sailer if you have created your reservation on the group calendar. Members will find sails, bailers, a hoist and an oar with each boat.  Make sure to let the Club Host know you are going out at lake and notify upon your return.

Eugene Yacht Club policy requires every sailor to approach sailing with an attitude of safety first. Life jackets must be worn at all times while on club sailboats. An adult club member must supervise children and youth who are operating an EYC boat. 

How do I check out club powerboats?

You don’t check them out just for fun. Club powerboats are reserved for actual rescue, racing/rescue training, or youth sailing support. If you are using it for race committee or rescue purposes, follow the instructions on each boat for taking it out and bringing it back. Operators of EYC powerboats must attend a powerboat safety training class (held in the spring) and must possess and carry an Oregon Boater Education Card. Be sure to leave powerboats fueled when done. If you are using one and have a problem or breakdown, please contact Glen Hughes (541-968-9644).

What kinds of training can I get at EYC?

EYC offers one or two Powerboat trainings each year, which are open to every member, regardless of whether you are racing or not. EYC is dedicated to safety and highly recommends that each member get Rescue Boat training at some point. Operators of EYC powerboats must possess and carry an Oregon Boater Education Card and attend a Powerboat Safety & Orientation training class. Some years we offer a Racing Clinic and a class on how to do Race Committee.

What and where is the Safety Cabinet?

The Safety Cabinet is the metal cabinet next to the icemaker on the restroom deck. Inside are keys to EYC powerboats, hand-held radios and their chargers, and the public-address system. The cabinet is kept locked. The key to the cabinet is kept in a lock box attached to the cabinet which can be accessed using the current gate code.

What is the procedure for using the clubhouse for a private event?

Active members in good standing may reserve the clubhouse and grounds for personal events. Call or email the Club Manager to determine what dates are available. You can also make a request through the EYC website on the Members Area page.  Event registration is free for groups up to 25 people. If the registration is for more than 50 people, the charge is one dollar per person not to exceed $100.00. Using the clubhouse does not provide exclusive use, though members are expected to respect another member’s reservation. (see Club Rules section A.37). 

Where can I barbecue at EYC?

A propane barbecue is available at the club house for member use.
Unlock the padlock on the propane feed line on the side of the clubhouse with your club key. Turn the red valve 90 degrees. Turn one of the burners on and use a long-nosed lighter to light that burner (lighters are kept in the kitchen above the stove). It should light the other burners in turn. When finished, reverse the process.

Charcoal barbecues are prohibited on EYC grounds. 

What’s the guest policy at EYC?

A member must accompany friends. Children of members who are under 18 can only have two guests unless they have a parent-member present also.

How can I get some EYC logo merchandise?

EYC sells hats, clothing, bags and burgees. The current inventory is in the glass case near the clubhouse front door. Lynn Jolly or Club Manager can take your order. It is nice stuff and not expensive and they make good presents.

How do I change my membership status?

Write a note to the Club Manager, or give the manager a call if you have specific questions. You can also contact a member of the Membership Committee.

What is required to become a Senior Member?

If you are over 65 years old and have been a member for 25 years, you can become a Senior Member. You’ll have to make your request in writing to the Club Manager, as the manager doesn’t want to guess at your age. Senior Members are not required to do work party, but most do anyway.

How do I help a friend become a member of EYC?

The health and well-being of the club is totally dependent on its members. You are our best ambassadors! We always welcome new members. The joining process is described elsewhere in this handbook. Contact the Club Manager or the Membership Chair for help through the process. And please help our new members get acquainted with the club once they have joined.

Where can I get information about what’s happening at EYC?

EYC sends out a weekly email and the EYC Bulletin, our monthly newsletter, which provides timely information about what’s going on at the club. The EYC website also offers general information about the club. EYC’s Facebook page is another place to find out what’s happening and to see lots of great pictures.

Where do I recycle at EYC?

EYC encourages our members and guests to recycle. The Garbage and Recycling Center is located on the west side of the clubhouse. 

Members and guests are expected to use the Recycling Center or pack out what they brought in. Our club and grounds are a beautiful place and your help is critical to keeping them that way. Please help the environment by recycling. 

How is Member In Good Standing Defined?

Member in Good Standing means any person who has fulfilled the requirements for membership and who has not voluntarily withdrawn nor been expelled or suspended by the union. In most unions “good standing” requires the timely payment of dues.

Who can I call if I have more questions?

Your first call should be to the Club Manager. You can also contact the Commodore or any Board member.

Ready for the next step?

Ready to become a member of Eugene Yacht Club?