There is a lot of sailing that happens at Eugene Yacht Club. During the season there are weekly sailing opportunities: casual, organized sailing on Tuesdays, dinghy racing on Wednesdays, and multi-fleet racing on Thursdays. There are also regattas that happen during the summer on weekends. Of course, there's plenty of relaxed sailing happening all week long that doesn't involve a finish line. For any and all of these sailing opportunities, there are always boats that will need crew—maybe for the whole season, maybe just for a weekend.
EYC wants to get you sailing, whether it's returning to the serious racing you once loved or giving sailing a try in a relaxed way, or something in between. You don't even have to be a member of EYC to sign up (though we'd be very pleased if you did decide to join!). Just answer a few questions below and we'll see who might be looking for you.
If you'd like to be on a crew that races on Wednesdays or Thursdays, use this form.
If you're a skipper in need of crew, whether for a regatta in the summer or for the entire racing season, register your needs here.
If you would like to try out sailing in a relaxed, more casual setting, consider joining us for a Tuesday fun race. These 'races' are really just a chance for friends to sail together once a week. Starting in June, we can offer to find you a ride so you can discover for yourself the joys of sailing.