Commodore's Report April 2023
Spring, A time of change. Trees blossoming, temperatures warming…..or so we hope. I love Spring because it tells me Summer is not far away. This spring finds our household preparing in a different way than usual. Our son is preparing to graduate high school in just 7 short weeks. Last week we had the opportunity to go with him to the college he will be attending to tour the buildings that make up the program he is studying. We watched as he signed his letter of intent, and we will go back with him next week for national signing day. We are extremely proud and excited for him and what these changes will bring.
We know it takes a village to raise children. I wanted to take a moment here and acknowledge the fact that many of you have helped in shaping who he has become. So many of you have been a part of his life and shared your knowledge of sailing and life with him. It does not go unnoticed. I am grateful. From Chris Thomas with Youth Sailing nights, Janell Skeen and Pat Skeen with the Unregatta and helping get the jr fleet going again. Chip Balough taking a young Greyson on his thistle as foredeck. Larry, who is no longer with us, and his catamaran knowledge. Dick Brust, always departing your words of wisdom to him, he really listens to you. Becky Barker, you are such a huge influence on his life. There are so many more. I could fill a page or 2 just naming people who have done something to help shape his life. Not just his but many of our youth. EYC is an incredible place. It’s incredible because of the people that make it that way.
With Spring comes the opening of the club. It is wonderful to see it with a full pool and people sailing. I find myself looking forward to spending more time on the lake and visiting with all of you. The first step is putting my boat in and making sure it still floats. It’s going to be a great season of sailing. So, get your boats in the water and enjoy the lake and if you see me out there say hi.