Port Captain Report April 2021

The moorage billing is in our bookkeeper Larisa’s hands. If you have moorage billing issues, please contact me before Larisa. She is only doing what I ask her to do. This is for moorage billing issues only. For service charges and other issues, please read and understand the billing process that are stated in the club handbook before contact Larisa.

I hope to have a list of names and moorage spots on the Port Captain Board by the Yot Pot when the club opens up. As your bring your boat to the grounds, be sure to place it in your assigned moorage spot. As members bring their boats to the grounds in the next couple of weeks, it's important that their assigned space is available, so please get your boats out of someone else's moorage and into the correct one if necessary. If you are not sure of your assigned moorage, please contact me.

Look like we are going to have a poor water year. For March we receive 1.6 inches—the
average is 4.9 inches. The long range forecast for April is even rain fall for the average
year of 3 inches.

As of this writing (April 6), the level of the lake is 368.94 (last year 367.180) feet above sea We should be at 371.969 on this date. With the current ground saturation, we need about 4.5 to 5 inches of rain to fill the lake. This is if the ground does not dry out too much more.

As you may see the new floating docks are in place, but not totally attached to the
A-B connector (but will be soon).