It’s Moorage Time! Get your Moorage Request Form for 2020 filled out online. Here is the link for it on the EYC website. You can also access it through the Member Area of the website. Even if you don’t want to make any changes, you must request moorage for your watercraft each year.
Your requests for moorage are due by March 15. As I always say, avoid the rush and file early! If you did not pay for your wet moorage but only for storage last year you will see that your moorage spot will be row J on the moorage map on the website. If this is the case you will need to complete a moorage request form and you will be added to the list of new moorage for this year. If you are a new member requesting moorage you will need to file out a moorage request form for new moorage.
We have EYC stickers for all watercraft that do not need and OR number. And remember that you will need the new Waterway Access Permit for it (see below for information). If you do not have OR numbers on your watercraft (paddleboards, kayaks, and/or canoes) then you will need to contact me and get an moorage sticker. The sticker is an EYC burgee with a number in the center which needs to be affixed to the watercraft on the bow on top or on the starboard side at the bow. If a watercraft does not have a moorage sticker and the Port Captain finds said watercraft he will lock it up and then you will need to deal with said Port Captain to retrieve your board, boat, or whatever.
Beginning January 1, 2020, the Aquatic Invasive Species Permit will be replaced by a Waterway Access Permit and will be required to be carried on boats 10 feet long and longer. The permit purchasing will include: 1 week (valid 7-days from date of purchase) for $5, 1 year for $17, and 2 years for $30. Online permit sales begin through ODFW’s eLicensing System or through the Marine Board’s Boat Oregon Store. Enforcement for compliance with the permit requirements begins August 1, 2020. Fees will help fund the aquatic invasive species prevention program and a new, waterway access account for non-motorized boating facility grant projects. If you have OR registration tags on your boat you do not need to purchase a separate permit.