Port Captain's Report - July 2024

Port Captain Committee Update

Trailer/Boat Barcode Labels

We are trying out the use of barcode labels on boat trailers to make it faster and easier to get the OR registration number when we take inventory.  Although most trailers have this info on the trailer tongue, many do not, so often we have to partially uncover and recover the boat to get the numbers off the hull.  Either way we still have to capture the data.  Being able to scan this directly into a spreadsheet will make the task much easier and the data will be more accurate.

You will be seeing these labels show up on trailers on club grounds in the near future.  They are printed on waterproof address labels and then laminated.  We’ll see how well they hold up, but we hope/expect them to last at least 3-5 years.  These will be placed on the side of trailer tongues where they can be easily scanned and won’t be covered up (please) by tarps.  If you have any questions or concerns about this please let us know.

Special thanks to Nick Tabet for his expertise and help in setting this up. 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, contact the Port Captain Committee at portcaptaineyc@gmail.com .


Happy Sailing!

Art Stiers and Murray McLeod