Port Captain Report July 2021

Here we are at the last month that this year's work party hours can be performed for 2021. There are a couple of projects that still need to be done. Please contact Paul Stephens or Marji Clune for the list.

Also please keep in mind that you need to keep the grass under control (mowed) under your boat/trailer. With the dry weather that we are having and projected into the future, we need to be proactive about the long grass and weeds.

Remember if you are using someone else’s slip because of the low water to contact that person before mooring your boat. There are several slips on E-dock that can be used, but if the slip has mooring line someone is already using that slip. I know that this is an obvious statement—it is just a reminder.

To contact me about moorage issues, please call my office (541-344-1353) as I have the tracking software for moorage there and I check it almost everyday. You can also reach me by cell phone (541-913-3400) but if it is about moorage and I am not in my office I may not be able to help.

The posted moorage in the restroom breezeway is up-to-date as of July 1st if you want to look up moorage information. You can also email me with any questions.

Please check the rules for mooring line in the handbook. We have had one or two boats that have experienced failure of their moorage systems. Snubbers that are too small for their boat or not having spring lines can cause problems. If I had my boat wet-moored I would use snubbers on all my lines. Be sure to know the correct way to install your mooring lines on the snubbers as there were failures of incorrectly installed lines.

Commodore Richard Johnson has asked me to do a walk around the dock and check the mooring lines and I will do it when the heat backs off a little.

And once more be sure to cut the grass under your boat and trailer.

Happy sailing and hope to see you at the club.