Port Captain Report November 2020

I will be checking and billing any boat that is on the grounds for winter storage any day now. If your boat is on the grounds when I check you will be billed for the total winter storage. I will take pictures of all boats on the grounds at that time. There will be no prorating of fees once billing has been sent. Check page 27 in the 2020 Member Handbook for moorage fees (although they may be different for 2021).

If you have your boat in the parking island, have it facing west. If it is against the fence, have it facing east. Your name is required on the trailer tongue per EYC bylaws. OR numbers should also be on your trailer tongue. This is so that I do not have to remove your cover to read OR numbers. This is especially important for catamarans which should also be tied to the trailer so that a big wind event doesn't send it into the trees or over to the dam. Remember to cover your boat to keep it dry and safe and do not leave valuable items unsecured.

If you have sold your boat to a member and have not yet contacted me you will be billed for the storage of the boat. Please send me an email telling me that you have sold your boat and who the new owner is.

Last but not least, please check your docks and fingers to make sure that everything is okay. It's much easier to do this when the water is out. Plus you might find a pair of pliers you thought you had donated to the water god (who I happen to know does not know how to take care of your tools).

Starting in January, or maybe a little sooner, the Eugene Radio Control Yacht Club will start racing one-meters again. If you are interested in giving it a try, please contact me.