Port Captain Report March 2023
You have a week or less to get your moorage request in by using the website to select your moorage see below.
They are due by the 19th of March – file now or loss your spot. I have only received about 50% of the moorage request for the current year and with new members they will be happy that you did not request your moorage.
At this writing the fill is four feet behind the fill curve target. For a good water year we need to get about 6” of rain and the Corp to holds the water level. The long range forecast is Two (2) inch Below average for March and average for April, so we may not have full pool this year as average for February is 5.43” and we have received 1.98 inches. But we started off slow for last year so we may get a repeat of last years rain year. Do your best rain dance as March at this writing is at .55 inches.
Moorage: the link https://www.eugeneyachtclub.org/members-area . They are due by the 19 th of March there are several items that you will need to be aware of :
1) You need your password (it’s on your ID Card that was in your new yearbook)
2) Step 1 is the most important form “KEEP MOORAGE THE SAME” this form is use by all who wish to keep their current moorage or to change their moorage. Fill this form and to keep all the same then select the YES radio button. If you select NO that tells me that you do not want moorage this year. OR Fill this form and to change one or more moorage selection put that information in the comment line at the bottom of the form, or to drop a moorage select NO. If you have more then one moorage location then select YES then in the comment tell me the moorage you wish to change or to drop.
3) The last form is for new moorage or new boat ownership select the “REQUEST FOR NEW MOORAGE” and fill out the form completely with all the pertinent information.
Port Captain:
Gordon Mattatall