Port Captain Report May 2022

Memorial Day Regatta’s coming up and I would like to request for everyone to get their boats out of the center parking area. So if you were not planning to put your boat in the next several weekends would you please move it to the back row along the fence on the west side of the grounds.  That way it opens up the center parking area, and gives the club a more yacht friendly look. 

And once more I would like to ask that as you use the floating dock that you check your hinge pins, hair clips, and mounting bolts. The hair clips will break and can be replaced before the hinge pin falls out. The clips are a lot less expensive than the pins. Also look at the cross members for the 3/8 hinge plates on Dock C, if they are cracked or missing let Paul or myself know so we can address that issue before it becomes a problem. Also we have had some wind events and members have had some issues with mooring. Please check the handbook for the required line size and type. Also do not forget to use snubbers attached correctly as they will protect you moorage line and boat.

Remember as we move into the summer months to keep the area around your boat clean and cut the grass. This also means the people that have their boats on the back lot. And look at the little bits of trash that may blow into your area. If we all just pick up the little bit then no one has to pick up a lot. And it only takes a second for all of us to pick up one item and throw it away. And please take your empty cans and bottles home or to the recycle next to the clubhouse, as we do not have anyone picking up the empties at this time.

And as always check your OR registration and make sure you are up to date. We have several Lasers and other boats that do not have current registration stickers, or no registration stickers, please check yours. As we have stated in past newsletters we will be making the rounds and checking boats for current OR stickers and if it is not up to date you will be losing that moorage. 

All the ice machines should be in full swing if there is an issue please let Paul Stephens, Paul Morrow, or myself know so we can address the problem with the icemakers.

If you use the large hoist please remember to hang the controller back up, the 20’s get tired of repairing it as water will run down the line and into the controller, also raise the hook about head level. 

Please check for the listing to trailer spot TR 08. 

At this writing 5-3-22 we are less than half foot short of full pool with a little more rain in the forecast so let's get ready to sail In a FULL LAKE.

And the last thing to address: the travel trailers be sure that the club has a key to your door, that you have an operational 10lb fire extinguisher (see new moorage rule), and no extension cords on the deck. 

See you at the Lake

Port Captain:

Gordon Mattatall