As the season is coming to an end, I have had several emails about winter storage. When I check for on ground boats you may know I take picture of all the boats that I count at the end of EYC year, that is the billing year for winter storage. Check page 27 of
the 2020 handbook “WINTER STORAGE FEE (Nov 1 through March 31)
I will be checking and billing any boat that is on the grounds for winter storage in the first two weeks of November. Check page 53 section 8 of the by laws. If your boat is on the grounds when I check you will be billed FOR THE TOTAL WINTER STORAGE. There will be no prorating after EYC has billed.
Would like everyone that is keeping their boats on the ground to have their name and OR numbers on the trailer as this helps in the checking of boats.
Also please have the boats in the center island facing west for those who do not know which way west is the lake is EAST, Bangs farm is WEST.
As most know we had a wind event early this year and several members found out
why we have requirements standard for moorage lines, snubbers, and chafing gear.
Please read pages 58-60 in the 2021 members handbook section F Mooring
Standards. And remember these are min. not max.
Snubbers that should be used
If you do not know how to tie and snubber your watercraft please ask myself – Paul Stephen, on the correct way to secure your and spring line your boat.
Please look for the assignment of Trailer moorage TR04 and TR22 and any other open trailer moorage in other location in the newsletter. I have sent email for all that have entered into the request for the above moorage locations.