There is lots going on at EYC these days which is very exciting. And it is even raining as I write this which is great. But we still need everyone to do their rain dances!
We are in the process of hiring a new Media Manager at EYC. This is hopefully going to be done in the very near future. So stay tuned!
The new Member's Handbook is done and should be mailed sometime this week. If you don't get one, contact us and we will get on that. It contains all kinds of useful information. But a bunch of that information is up on the website including the calendar CLICK HERE I will remind you that in the era of COVID everything is in pencil.
We have formed a committee on Youth Sailing. If you are interested in being involved, please contact Paul Morrow or Commodore Matt Sprick. We have kids and boats and a great venue and money and demand. We are hoping to start up something that is self-perpetuating financially.
So the Oregon Health Authority is removing the indoor mask mandate on March 12. But we are noting that the virus is still out there, so. The plan all along was to do the March General Membership meeting via Zoom and we will not change that plan. The April General Membership meeting however will probably be at the club in person. The food portion of the evening will not be a potluck however, it will be a picnic-style where you bring your own and eat your own. We will see how that goes.
So we also have a new and improved Club Manager: Paul Morrow. Paul is pretty much up to speed on most things and can solve most any problem. I know you will all support him and help the club make progress on its mission while remaining fun and friendly.
And since this is my last column, I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who helped and encouraged me in this job. We have great members and committee chairs and Board members. I would like to add that all the Commodores I worked with were wonderful. This club is not short on talent and leadership. And I would like to particularly thank Karen Nousen who discovered much to her dismay that it was a full-time job making me look smart. See you on the water!